Man discovers ladybug living inside his colon
The unusual finding led to a research written by Francis E. Dailey being published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
The ladybug living inside the man's colon. (photo credit: American College of Gatroenterology)
In 2019, a 59-year-old man went to his doctor for a routine
colonoscopy and discovered that a seven-spot ladybird was living inside
his colon.
The unusual finding led to a research written by Francis E. Dailey being published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
screening colonoscopy of a 59-year-old man with no comorbidities, a
ladybug was discovered in the transverse colon," Dailey wrote in the
What has baffled doctors even further, is that according to Dailey,
the 59-year-old was asked by his doctors to drink a liter of
polyethylene glycol, a compound derived from petroleum, used to help
empty the intestines.
preparation may have allowed the bug to escape from digestive enzymes
in the stomach and upper small intestine," Daily explained.