Sunday, 22 August 2021

Escape from Egypt🐪🗻 moment on The Coconut Whisperer: Man discovers ladybug living inside his colon


Man discovers ladybug living inside his colon

The unusual finding led to a research written by Francis E. Dailey being published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

 The ladybug living inside the man's colon. (photo credit: American College of Gatroenterology)
The ladybug living inside the man's colon. (photo credit: American College of Gatroenterology)

In 2019, a 59-year-old man went to his doctor for a routine colonoscopy and discovered that a seven-spot ladybird was living inside his colon.

The unusual finding led to a research written by Francis E. Dailey being published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

"During screening colonoscopy of a 59-year-old man with no comorbidities, a ladybug was discovered in the transverse colon," Dailey wrote in the report.

What has baffled doctors even further, is that according to Dailey, the 59-year-old was asked by his doctors to drink a liter of polyethylene glycol, a compound derived from petroleum, used to help empty the intestines.

"colonoscopy preparation may have allowed the bug to escape from digestive enzymes in the stomach and upper small intestine," Daily explained.

Doctor inspects an x-ray, illustrative (credit: PIKREPO)Doctor inspects an x-ray, illustrative (credit: PIKREPO)


🐪🗻 This has been an Escape From Egypt  moment on The Coconut Whisperer blog in honor of the former Escape from Egypt channel on the Disqus channel  network 2018-2019 with 34K followers and was the absolute weirdest, wackiest and strangest news channel ever on Disqus !🐪🗻

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