Saturday, 17 September 2022

Arab Muslim image used for target practice in North Carolina school shooter training

Awwww…designated terrorist group CAIR upset over ‘Arab Muslim’ image used for target practice in North Carolina school shooter training

North Carolina’s ’s Macon County Sheriff’s Office used shooting range target depicting an image of a Muslim wearing a Palestinian headscarf and holding an AK-47-style assault weapon as a stand-in for an active shooter during a training exercise for staff and students at a public school.

A lot of police departments use Arab Muslim images for target practice
CAIR According to an Aug. 31 segment on WLOS ABC News 13, the Macon County Sheriff’s Office conducted a day-long training at Rosman Middle and Rosman High School “for any kind of active threat,” including the “threat of a gunman.”    The segment included footage of a law enforcement poster that depicted an Arab shooter despite the potential risk to Muslim and Arab-American students
In a letter sent last week, CAIR expressed concern about the harmful use of the stereotypical image and called on the office to stop doing so. The letter also invited the Sheriff’s office to engage in “cultural competency training” (provided by CAIR of course) to strengthen its relationship with local Muslims and Arabs.
CAIR National Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell said “the use of this unacceptable and racially charged image in school shooter training reinforces negative, inaccurate stereotypes and endangers students who are Muslim. (See more about this CAIR scumbag below video)

Edward Ahmed Mitchell: Recruits Kids on Campus to Promote CAIR’s Antisemitic Agenda

 Mitchell is the Executive Director of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Georgia Chapter, a front of the terror organization Hamas, since 2016.
Mitchell is a frequent speaker at protests and is not afraid to publicly articulate his antisemitic views. In May 2018 Mitchell participated in a protest hosted by multiple radical, antisemitic groups Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). During his speech, he falsely accused the United States of sending law enforcement to Israel for “urban policing” training so they can return to “occupy and control…the streets of America.”
He constantly shares inflammatory content on social media and supports the antisemitic rhetoric and behaviors of antisemites such as Congresswoman Rashida TlaibIlhan Omar, and Marc Lamont Hill, who was fired by CNN for calling for the destruction of Israel. Mitchell retweeted fellow CAIR employee Imran Siddiqi’s post that firing Hill was “injustice personified.”
In March 2019, Mitchell, speaking on behalf of CAIR Georgia, defended the display of a map that erased Israel and replaced it with Palestine at a “Multicultural Night” held by an Atlanta middle school stating the school nor the student did anything wrong.
Now, under Mitchell’s leadership and guidance, CAIR Georgia is allegedly funding and recruiting students at Georgia State University (GSU) to be campaign surrogates for CAIR’s antisemitic campaign against GILEE, a joint project of GSU and local, state, federal and international law enforcement and public safety agencies. GILEE works to advance U.S. homeland security efforts through counterterrorism training and international cooperation; Israel is one of 25 countries participating in this life-saving program.
Last spring, students recruited by Mitchell at GSU introduced a resolution urging GSU to withdraw its police department from GILEE on the basis of its partnership with Israel. While the resolution failed to pass last semester, CAIR and Mitchell are scheming to renew the antisemitic campaign against GILEE this school year. Mitchell’s tactics give legitimacy to antisemitism on campus at GSU; even though they have no facts and is purely propaganda based.
CAIR attempts to position itself as the leading Civil Rights Group for Muslims when in reality it does nothing more than praise convicted murders and terrorists and demonizes Israel and Jews. College campuses should serve their students, not terror-affiliated organizations.
CAIR instructs Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcementopposes counter-terrorism initiativespromotes hate crime hoaxesseeks to suppress opponents of jihadcensors legitimate free speech criticism of Islam based on claims of “Islamophobia,” and praises convicted murders and terrorists.