Thursday, 15 September 2022

Florida and Texas Send Planeloads of Illegal Immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard

Florida and Texas Send Illegal Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard

Fighting is conceptually difficult and strategically simple. At least at a basic level. Hit back. Do to them what they’re doing to you.

Gov. Abbott in Texas, Gov. Ducey in Arizona and Gov. DeSantis in Florida are doing it. And they’re learning the old Alinsky lesson that fighting is actually fun once the other side squeals.

Sending migrants to D.C. and NYC was fun. What are you gonna do to top that?

A plane carrying approximately 48 migrants from Venezuela and Colombia landed unexpectedly at Martha’s Vineyard Airport Wednesday afternoon. Island officials and emergency management representatives were gathering to deal with the situation.

This is exactly what lefty groups were doing to direct illegal aliens around the country. Some of those non-profits were funded by the good vacationers of Martha’s Vineyard.

Sen. Julian Cyr said the plane originated in San Antonio, Tex., and appeared to be part of a larger campaign to divert migrants from border states.

Divert. They’re supposed to overrun western states. Not Martha’s Vineyard.

“Just like the reverse freedom rides in the 1960s, this endeavor is a cruel ruse that is manipulating families who are seeking a better life,” Senator Cyr said.

I’m sure they can find a good life here.

“They came with folders with a pamphlet with our information,” said Beth Folcarelli, chief executive officer of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. “We don’t have refugee services, I had no idea about any of this. I only found out because one of them gave me their folder. Imagine being dropped in here knowing no one. Absolutely no one. It’s heartbreaking.”

Why are there no refugee services? Or affordable housing?

Just like all the suburbs that were turned into slums by federal judges, it’s time to force Martha’s Vineyard to build housing projects. And to diversify beyond the Obamas. Martha’s Vineyard needs to look like the rest of America or face $50,000 a day fines.

It’s the right side of history.

(edit: some pictures from the Dailymail - AA)

DeSantis takes a page out of Greg Abbott's book and sends TWO planes carrying more than 50 Venezuelan migrants to upscale Martha's Vineyard - where loaded liberals like the Obamas, Oprah Winfrey and Larry David own property

  • On Wednesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis confirmed that he was responsible for the two planes of migrants that landed in Martha's Vineyard
  • The flights carried more than 50 illegal immigrants to the millionaires' playground - where the Obamas and Oprah Winfrey regularly vacation
  • The plane flew from San Antonio to Florida and then up to Massachusetts 
  • A local Martha's Vineyard official said that she has heard that 'Alabama, Florida and Texas' are all sending migrants to the town
  • Florida's 2022 budget allowed to $12 million of taxpayer money to go towards moving illegal immigrants out of the state
Fox news aired video showing the planes arriving on Martha's Vineyard on September 14

Fox news aired video showing the planes arriving on Martha's Vineyard on September 14

The name of the charter that brought the migrants to the millionaires playground was Ultra Air Charters, reports the Martha's Vineyard Times

The name of the charter that brought the migrants to the millionaires playground was Ultra Air Charters, reports the Martha's Vineyard Times

Both of the planes were carrying around 50 Venezuelan migrants

Both of the planes were carrying around 50 Venezuelan migrants  

One local official told the MV Times: 'I believe they know they came from Texas to here. I¿m not sure all of them know they¿re here in Massachusetts on an Island

One local official told the MV Times: 'I believe they know they came from Texas to here. I’m not sure all of them know they’re here in Massachusetts on an Island

Town administrator Jennifer Rand was quoted by the newspaper as saying that she heard 'Texas, Florida and Alabama have begun flying planes with immigrants to Martha's Vineyard and dropping them off and leaving'

Town administrator Jennifer Rand was quoted by the newspaper as saying that she heard 'Texas, Florida and Alabama have begun flying planes with immigrants to Martha's Vineyard and dropping them off and leaving'

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joked on Fox News about how the town's wealthy liberals might react to the migrants saying: 'These are all sanctuary cities until they're in their sanctuary. I doubt they will embrace them'

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joked on Fox News about how the town's wealthy liberals might react to the migrants saying: 'These are all sanctuary cities until they're in their sanctuary. I doubt they will embrace them'

One immigrant told the Vineyard Gazette: 'We¿re immigrants. We came here because of the situation in our country, for the economy, for work, for lots of things. I came here walking'

One immigrant told the Vineyard Gazette: 'We’re immigrants. We came here because of the situation in our country, for the economy, for work, for lots of things. I came here walking'

State Senator Julian Cyr tweeted on Wednesday's night: 'Developing situation on #MarthasVineyard where migrants arrived via charter flight from TX this afternoon. Islanders working hard to provide food + shelter'

State Senator Julian Cyr tweeted on Wednesday's night: 'Developing situation on #MarthasVineyard where migrants arrived via charter flight from TX this afternoon. Islanders working hard to provide food + shelter'

Cyr later told the Vineyard Gazette: 'Just like the reverse freedom rides in the 1960s, this endeavor is a cruel ruse that is manipulating families who are seeking a better life'

The Democratic Senator also said: 'No one should be capitalizing on the difficult circumstances that these families are in and contorting that for the purposes of a "gotcha" moment'

At the time of writing, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker has not commented publicly on the move

At the time of writing, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker has not commented publicly on the move

A woman, who is part of a group of immigrants that had just arrived, holds a child as they are fed outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Martha's Vineyard

A woman, who is part of a group of immigrants that had just arrived, holds a child as they are fed outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Martha's Vineyard

Immigrants gather with their belongings outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church

Immigrants gather with their belongings outside St. Andrews Episcopal Church

Online flight records show that two planes left San Antonio, Texas, on the morning of September 14, stopped in Florida, before landing in Martha's Vineyard

Online flight records show that two planes left San Antonio, Texas, on the morning of September 14, stopped in Florida, before landing in Martha's Vineyard

State Rep. Dylan Fernandes posted a photo showing him with a group of the migrants

State Rep. Dylan Fernandes posted a photo showing him with a group of the migrants 

Rep. Fernandes said of the migrants: 'Some of them were told lies¿they were told they would receive housing and jobs immediately upon arrival'

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) and first lady Michelle Obama shake hands with people before going to lunch at Nancy's Restaurant while vacationing on Martha's Vineyard in 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama (C) and first lady Michelle Obama shake hands with people before going to lunch at Nancy's Restaurant while vacationing on Martha's Vineyard in 2010

Reader Comments:

Its appropriate for the politicians (and people who vote for them) that want open borders and declare themselves sanctuary cities to experience the consequences of their votes.

After all, isn't Martha's Vineyard all about accommodating tourists? Here ya go.

I love you Ron DeSantis! That is awesome! Haha!

Finally, some good news this week!

Wonderful, lots of extra bedrooms in all those mansions.

How many will Oprah be adopting?

I wonder if the Obamas will invite them to stay in their $15 million mansion?