Tuesday, 13 September 2022

As An Oppressed Black Woman, Mayor of New Orleans Must Take First Class Flights

As An Oppressed Black Woman, Mayor of Poor City Must Take First Class Flights

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

“Let justice roll like a river and then board at the gate to Switzerland for a first-class seat.”

Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, is refusing to repay money spent on international business and first-class flights to France and Switzerland.

‘As the mother of a young child whom I live for, I am going to protect myself by any reasonable means in order to ensure I am there to see her grow into the strong woman I am raising her to be.

‘Anyone who wants to question how I protect myself just doesn’t understand the world black women walk in.’

She has repeatedly refused to repay the cost of a luxury American Airlines flight from Washington Dulles Airport to Switzerland for herself in July, despite a city ban on luxury air travel.

Cantrell spent around $10,000 on her own flat bed seat and blew a similar amount on a first-class return to France earlier this year – while her aides traveled in coach

It’s pretty risky out there… flying to Switzerland.

New Orleans has a poverty rate of 23%. For children, it’s 43.8%. But LaToya Cantrell is an oppressed woman who needs a first-class seat with a flatbed to travel to sign a sister city agreement in Europe.

The oppressors are the oppressed. And the oppressed are accused of oppressing their oppressors.

(edit: I will add some pictures from the Daily Mail - AA)

  • The mayor also upgrades to the front even on domestic flights within the U.S.

The Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, is refusing to repay money spent on international business and first class flights to France and Switzerland

The Mayor of New Orleans, LaToya Cantrell, is refusing to repay money spent on international business and first class flights to France and Switzerland

She now owes $30,000 in upgrade expenses for American Airlines first class upgrades, The city's travel policy states:  'Employees are required to purchase the lowest airfare available¿ '

She now owes $30,000 in upgrade expenses for American Airlines first class upgrades, The city's travel policy states:  'Employees are required to purchase the lowest airfare available… '

In January, the mayor spent more than $2,300 to fly first-class to a Conference of Mayors' meeting in Washington, DC. The rest of her entourage paid $250.

Then in March, the mayor spent more than $2,800 to fly first-class to Miami for a U.S. Conference of Mayors gathering. 

Reader Comments:

If her main concern is safety, then she should purchase a seat in the back of the plane. Historically, it is the safest part of the aircraft if a crash occurs.

I have never paid $11,000 for any first class trip! Clearly, she's booking last minute flights.

Instead of flying to Europe coach, first class, or otherwise,novel concept try staying in your own jurisdiction and working on correcting the arm pit New Orleans has become. That would require effort, competence, and concern. None of which this lady possess.

If people were serious about climate change then these meetings could be held over zoom or something. 

Sit in coach with your 'security' if you feel so unsafe on an airplane

Ironically, statistics show that the safest part of the plane is at the back.

I need a Rolex for safety reasons.

Champagne socialism at its best

"As a mother of a child that I need to protect, I need to travel in the highest luxury option available"

Politicians ought only serve two terms... one in office and the other in prison

Actually the most unsafe part of any aircraft is first class, business class or towards the nose (less than a 50% survivable rate); while the mid-way area located near the wings have a 55% survivable rate and the rear or end section has a 70% survivable rate.

Entitled much? Next time, make her take The Greyhound. 

Much easier spending money that isn't yours

All Democrats know is how to spend money, not to make it.

If some people want more respect, becoming a global joke is not the way to do it.

It's easy to be extravagant when it's not your money you are spending

Tax and spend the Democratic way, use our money for their luxuries. 

I can see the danger for her, like walking around the wrong neighbourhood, economy is full of dangerous people from the hood, while first class is filled with a more refined people with a different skin tone.

She might get attacked by another George Floyd.

Why does the Mayor of New Orleans need to go to France and Switzerland?

There's no end to con artists like this

If it wasn't for politics these people would Union reps or McDonald's cashiers.

New Orleans is one of the most dangerous cities on Earth and she thinks she's going to be attacked in the economy section of an Air France flight? 

Are all her aides males, or is she risking her female aides' health and lives by making them fly economy class?

Oh yeah, because so many POC are assaulted on flights...eye roll

You say something often enough, eventually you will believe your own lies...

Are you really surprised? It's what they do.

Democrats now grift in plain sight and know they will get away with it.

I remember when former NOLA Mayor Nagin also took these types of trips. He got ten years served 7, now indigent on food stamps and house arrest.

Typical New Orleans politics.

One week between flights to Switzerland and France?? 10k each?? Wow. Maybe she doesn't know these countries are right next to each other!

We enjoyed our visit to NOLA, but we're never going back.... Aggressive panhandlers everywhere... Expended ammunition casings littering the sidewalks... Several people murdered outside of our hotel while we were there... Ummm... This mayor kind of puts it in perspective..

Well isn't she special?

"shut up "...she explained.

As a former flight attendant it's not any safer flying in first than economy. 

It's in the reparation clause in her contract!!

The way these people run things, it will be the demise of whatever entity they control. 

Isn't it time to admit this isn't ever going to work?