Sunday, 11 September 2022

Gun Controller/Police Defunder LA Mayoral Candidate: Has Her Guns Stolen, Calls Police

Gun Control LA Mayoral Candidate Has Guns Stolen

Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

How much irony and hypocrisy can one single story contain?

Karen Bass, the pro-crime and pro-gun control candidate for mayor in Los Angeles wants to find out.

A burglar or burglars broke into the home of Rep. Karen Bass on Friday evening and made off with two firearms, the Los Angeles mayoral candidate said in a statement released Saturday.
In the brief statement, Bass said she came home Friday to find signs of a break-in and that police were called. She said the thief or thieves stole two firearms, which had been “safely and securely stored,” but left behind cash, electronics and other valuables.
Bass communications director Sarah Leonard Sheahan confirmed to The Times that the guns belonged to the congresswoman and that they were secured in a lockbox. No one was home at the time of the break-in, Leonard Sheahan said.
Neither Leonard Sheahan nor Bass’ statement provided more details, such as what type of guns were stolen.
Bass, as congresswoman, was a militant gun control supporter. And she’s also running on a pro-crime platform of not enforcing laws and giving criminals a pass because of systemic injustice. Meanwhile she was keeping two guns in her home. Why? Because she believed in not shooting burglars? Or because she believed in shooting them, but doesn’t believe that anyone else has the right to defend their homes. Self-defense is a privilege for politicians. Not the people.

(edit: just found some pictures, in the dailymail. She is radical left, anti-Israel.)

Rep. Karen Bass, who is now the frontrunner in the Los Angeles mayor race, announced on Saturday that a thief broke into her home and stole two handguns

 Rep. Karen Bass, who is now the frontrunner in the Los Angeles mayor race, announced on Saturday that a thief broke into her home and stole two handguns

The suspect is described as 'Hispanic, standing 5-feet-9-inches tall, [and] weighing 200 pounds.' He was last seen wearing dark clothing, a black surgical mask, a blue baseball cap with a white emblem on it and black Asics sneakers

The suspect is described as 'Hispanic, standing 5-feet-9-inches tall, [and] weighing 200 pounds.' He was last seen wearing dark clothing, a black surgical mask, a blue baseball cap with a white emblem on it and black Asics sneakers

Bass's own home is worth over an estimated $2 million, according to Zillow

Bass's own home is worth over an estimated $2 million, according to Zillow

Bass said in a debate a few months ago she feels safe walking around her Baldwin Vista neighborhood, where homes go for over $1million

Bass said in a debate a few months ago she feels safe walking around her Baldwin Vista neighborhood, where homes go for over $1million 

Two brazen thieves in Los Angeles were seen on surveillance footage making away with bags filled with hard liquor from a store in mid-August

Two brazen thieves in Los Angeles were seen on surveillance footage making away with bags filled with hard liquor from a store in mid-August

Around the same time,  a giant mob descending upon a 7-Eleven following a street takeover, throwing items over the counter and looting the convenience store

Around the same time,  a giant mob descending upon a 7-Eleven following a street takeover, throwing items over the counter and looting the convenience store

The gang can be seen running across the store and grabbing drinks, cigarettes, lottery tickets, bags of chips and other items

The gang can be seen running across the store and grabbing drinks, cigarettes, lottery tickets, bags of chips and other items

Fed-up residents have tried to recall woke District Attorney George Gascon (pictured), whose woke policies, critics say, have lead to more repeat offenders on the streets

Bass has a double-digit lead over her opponent, businessman Rick Caruso, who has positioned himself as the tough-on-crime candidate

Bass has a double-digit lead over her opponent, businessman Rick Caruso, who has positioned himself as the tough-on-crime candidate