Saturday, 24 August 2019

Collusion Obsessed CNN Hires

Collusion-Obsessed CNN Hires Andrew McCabe, Fired from FBI for Collusion Leaks

On Friday, CNN hired Andrew McCabe, former deputy director at the FBI. The FBI fired McCabe last March for leaking classified information to the media in order to bolster the false narrative that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report debunked that narrative, but it was long a favorite on networks like CNN.
CNN Senior Reporter Oliver Darcy broke the news of McCabe's hiring on Twitter.
Donald Trump Jr. reminded the world that McCabe "was fired for the FBI for leaking and getting caught lying about it." He also claimed that the hiring revealed CNN as "a fully integrated anti-Trump propaganda network and they don't even try hiding it anymore."
Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at The Federalist, illustrated the collusion connection. "Andrew McCabe, one of the central figures of the 'Russia collusion' hoax, who was fired from the FBI for lying about his leaks to the media, has been hired by CNN, one of the media outlets that did the most to perpetuate the damaging hoax," she tweeted.
McCabe is suing the Department of Justice and the FBI over his dismissal, claiming that the agencies bowed to political pressure from President Trump. It seems the FBI went easy on McCabe, however.
In a trove of documents released to Judicial Watch, the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility appeared to characterize McCabe's lying under oath as a lack of "candor." The referral in question was closed on March 20, 2018, four days after McCabe was fired. The document notes that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the final decision to dismiss the employee — without prosecuting him — and noted that he had "a remarkable performance record" and "was facing unprecedented challenges and pressures."
In fact, the documents released to Judicial Watch show that while 14 FBI officials leaked to the media, only four were fired, including McCabe.
In light of this, CNN's hiring of McCabe seems to dash whatever credibility the outlet had left.
"CNN kills the remainder of its credibility (what little it had left) by hiring Andrew McCabe, former acting director of the FBI WHO WAS FIRED FOR LEAKING STORIES TO THE MEDIA TO BENEFIT HIMSELF AND LYING UNDER OATH. I can't believe this is real," humorist Tim Young tweeted.
WMAL host Vince Coglianese noted that this news "raises the question: How should former FBI officials who misled the public be treated when they seek positions of fame and privilege?"
Apparently, CNN thinks such people should be rewarded.
Follow Tyler O'Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.