Exclusive–Judge Jeanine Pirro on Epstein’s Death: ‘You Get a Broken Hyoid When Someone Tries to Strangle You’

“You get a broken hyoid when someone tries to strangle you,” said Jeanine Pirro about the death of Jeffrey Epstein, host of Fox News Channel’s Justice with Judge Jeanine and author of the forthcoming book, Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left’s Plot to Remake America, in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.
The death of Jeffrey Epstein was claimed to be the result of suicide by Barbara Sampson, chief medical examiner of New York City, NY.
“Epstein’s cellmate, on July 23rd, when he allegedly tried his first attempt at suicide is a guy named Nicholas Tartaglione — who is a former cop from Westchester when I was a DA in Westchester — and he’s the kind of guy who would not be beyond flapping someone that he thought was a pedophile or rat,” said Pirro.
Pirro continued, “Tartaglione has been indicted and is in jail for the alleged murder of four individuals. His lawyer denies that he did it, but Epstein said, ‘This guy tried to kill me.’ So I want you to match that up with the fact that he was out of the suicide unit within six days, okay? So, it appears to me that quite possibly, maybe he didn’t try to commit suicide, maybe he was not depressed, and maybe he was a victim of an assault because I don’t know anyone who snaps out of a serious depression where you attempt to take your life in six days. And so, that kind of leads me to believe that there was not an attempted suicide on July 23rd.”
Pirro went on: “Fast forward — now what we’ve got is a mess that is so screwy where the cameras aren’t working, his cellmate has moved out, everybody’s asleep, we’ve got non-corrections officers, and now we’ve got a medical examiner who comes in and says, ‘Ah, it’s suicide.'”
Epstein’s broken hyoid, per the autopsy, may be evidence of foul play, assessed Pirro.
Pirro stated, “My training is this. I tried murder cases. I ran an office where I was in charge, as DA, of 40,000 cases a year, and I ran every homicide case. I knew everything about every homicide case. Now, Epstein had a broken hyoid. You get a broken hyoid when someone tries to strangle you. It’s an intentional homicide. So imagine someone putting their finger right on your throat, under your chin, that’s your hyoid bone. I’ve convicted people of strangulation like that. Now, if it could be a suicide or a homicide, why is the medical examiner in such a rush to say it’s a suicide? She doesn’t have all the facts, and if you recall, she initially said this is a suicide death. But she said, ‘That’s my preliminary assessment, but I want a few more days.’ She waited five days, and then came out with her final assessment [of] suicide. What does she gain during those five days? There are still four investigations going on by the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Bureau of Prisons and the inspector general. So, what did she learn from that? Nothing. “
Pirro added, “We don’t know why the cameras weren’t working. We’ve got corrections officers that we know are not speaking. We also know that there were people asleep. Were they really asleep? Who can corroborate that? Something that might look like a suicide, until you’ve got all the circumstantial facts surrounding it, you should put ‘pending’ until all the facts are known. And she didn’t do that. What’s the rush? To me, I’ve got to tell you, I’ve got a lot of problems with it, and I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I really don’t care. I don’t know who killed him or if anyone killed him, but I know my business and what I know is that there was a rush here. On a case that could go either way, you do not rush the way she rushed to get out a decision because any one of those other investigations can indicate that there was foul play here.”
Pirro concluded, “The ME saying something is a suicide is nothing more than an opinion. It can go either way.”
The status quo of illegal immigration is part of a “plot to remake America,” remarked Pirro.
“What we also have is an invasion at the border, and I don’t care if people don’t like that term — it is an invasion,” determined Pirro. “When we have 144,000 thousand people that come through the border in one month — all illegal — all not coming the way they’re supposed to be, all not invited by us, it’s an invasion. And they go into the interior of the country and they are there to remake America. They are there to vote Democrat. They are told Republicans don’t want them because we believe in law and order, and it goes on and on.”
“Socialism is now a big thing, capitalism is bad, [and] we need to fund all the illegals to make sure they have health care and education and housing, and yet we have to pay for our own,” said Pirro of the left. “This is lunacy.”