Tuesday 27 August 2019

Stephen Moore: Recession talk just 'wishful thinking' by liberals hoping to oust Trump

President Trump's  senior economic adviser called out Democrats and TV host Bill Maherfor rooting for the country to go into a recession in order to hurt the president's reelection chances.
"It's easy for Bill Maher to say that he'd love to see a recession. I mean he makes, what, $20-30 million or so. He could withstand that," Stephen Moore said on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" on Monday, before adding that talks of a recession were just "wishful thinking" by liberals hoping to get rid of Trump.
Maher has repeatedly confessed to hoping for a recession, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented Trump from securing a second term.
Moore told MacCallum about his experience discussing the economy recently in San Francisco, where some financial advisers were unhappy to hear his rosy outlook and instead supported Maher's position.

"A woman asked me, 'Do you think we're going to have a recession?' And I said, 'Well, I'd never say no,' but I said I think the economy's pretty fundamentally strong and I don't see one on the horizon," Moore said.
"And the people kind of grimaced when I said that and one woman said, 'I want a recession because that'll help get rid of Donald Trump -- and I think that's most liberals."

Moore said he supported the president's trade war with China and categorized the recent economic situation as more of a "slowdown."
"The good news is Americans have a lot of money in their pockets and they're spending that right now. The consumer really is going and I just don't see a recession. I do see a slowdown," Moore said.

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