Starting tomorrow, Sept 6, a series of cold air masses looks set to engulf practically ALL of Greenland for the remainder of September — it’ll be worth checking-in on the DMI’s “Latest Greenland Ice Sheet Totals” chart over the next few weeks (located in the sidebar of Electroverse) for the associated spikes.
Temperatures across the entire island are forecast to hold as much as 16C below average from Sept 06 until at least Sept 21, with heavy snow (18+ inches) expected in the south.
Temperatures across the entire island are forecast to hold as much as 16C below average from Sept 06 until at least Sept 21, with heavy snow (18+ inches) expected in the south.
This season’s Ice Sheet Gains and Loses chart (from the DMI) has just been rolled out. September 2019’s icy forecast looks set to give the 2019-20 SMB one-heck of a healthy start.
Latest Greenland Ice Sheet Totals (DMI)
The cold times are returning, in line with historically low solar activity.
NASA has come out and said this next solar cycle (25) “will be the weakest of the past 200 years”: