Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Power Play: Boris Johnson...

Power player: Boris Johnson puts the muscle to U.K.'s Tory wets

Boris Johnson is proving himself quite a power player.

It wasn't just his daring move to secure from the Queen a rare shutdown of parliament, the better to checkmate his opponents from gathering forces to force yet another extension of a deadline on Britain's effort to remain in the European Union, something they've managed to do several times. Or, for that matter to put the muzzle on the left's efforts to throw him out, something they're going to have a hard time of in the short period of time between now and the Oct. 31 Brexit deadline.

He's now going after the opponents in his own party, warning them that if they put in some maneuver to join forces with the far left in order to stay in the European Union just a little longer, they're going to get booted from the party of Margaret Thatcher -- and will be out on their ears.

The U.K.'s parliamentary system actually can require "party discipline" rather more severely than the U.S. one less formally can. The new Tory prime minister is using that very, very, Thatcherly kind of power.
According to the Associated Press:
LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson is getting tough with members of his Conservative Party who oppose his Brexit plans at the start of what promises to be a momentous week in British politics.
The so-called “rebels” are being warned Monday that they will be expelled from the party if they take part in efforts led by opposition parties in Parliament to block a departure from the European Union without a deal.
Conservative former justice secretary David Gauke accused Johnson of “goading” party members to vote against the government so that they can be ousted in favor of lawmakers who support the prime minister’s more extreme version of Brexit.
“It’s obviously a particularly confrontational approach and, I think, designed, frankly, to realign the Conservative Party, to transform the Conservative Party very much in the direction of a Brexit party,” Gauke told the BBC.

It's important, because Britain has been through a lot of nonsense in the past three years, its previous ineffective prime minister jacking with the public and kowtowing to the EU and scarily enough, seeing its power dwindle to virtually nothing.

Johnson seems to be employing an important strategy - to first, sideline the left from any relevance in that parliamentary move he made earlier. Second, to slap the Tories, with all their Tory 'wet' elements (as Lady Thatcher liked to say) to prevent them from doing the shenanigans they did earlier with Prime Minister Theresa May. Third, his power moves seem to be triggering a chain reaction of rallying the people in order to form a united front.

All of this serves to put the hammer to the real enemy of the day - the European Union, which refuses to let Britain out of its hideous European cage -- and let its people go. With the European Union openly plotting with leftist characters such as former Prime Minister Tony Blair, it makes sense. Battling on the home front is key to taking the battle to Europe.

Zero surprise he's rising in the polls as I noted earlier. Johnson has shown an amazing willingness to use the instruments of power he has available focused solely on the aim of giving Britain the exit it voted for. And he knows all the tricks of the left and its allies. This signals a country with a great leader in the making. 

Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of image by Annika Haas, EU2017EE Estonian Presidency, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY SA 2.0